Wetenschappelijke publicaties

  • Frans, R., Andreotti, E., Vyvey, K., & Op den Kelder, J. (2019). Fostering Deeper Learning through iMuSciCA’s STEAM-pedagogy. Creating Conditions for Deeper Learning in Science, 73.
  • Andreotti, E., & Frans, R. (2019). The connection between physics, engineering and music as an example of STEAM education. Physics Education54(4), 045016.
    DOI 10.1088/1361-6552/ab246a
  • Katsouros, V., Fotinea, E., Frans, R., Andreotti, E., Stergiopoulos, P., Chaniotakis, M., … & Liwicki, M. (2018). iMuSciCA: Interactive music science collaborative activities for steam learningDesigning for the User Experience in Learning Systems, 123-154.
  • Frans, R., & Andreotti, E. (2019, August). Polyphonic STE (A) M and the role of Physics. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1286, No. 1, p. 012055). IOP Publishing.
    DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/1286/1/012055
  • Frans, R., Tamassia, L., & Andreotti, E. (2016). Quantum SpinOff Leerstations. ISBN: 9789082568400.
  • Frans, R., Andreotti, E., & Tamassia, L. (2015). Quantum Spinoff Learning Stations: the physics of the very small with great applications. Gepubliceerd door EPINOIA S.A. 2015 (ISBN: 978-960-473-686-7).
  • Villems, P., Pedaste, M., Brikker, M., Siiman, L. A., Frans, R., & Andreotti, E. (2015). Engaging secondary school teachers and students with high-tech research and entrepreneurship. In ICERI2015 Proceedings (pp. 1457-1465). IATED. https://library.iated.org/view/VILLEMS2015ENG
  • Tamassia, L., & Frans, R. (2014, March). Does integrated science education improve scientific literacy? 7. In The Proceedings of the 23th Annual Conference of the European Teacher Education Network (p. 132).
  • Frans, R., & Vanesser, J. (2010). How music and science can present the world (and its quanta)GIREP-EPEC & PHEC 2009, 35.
  • Schuermans, M., Frans, R., Vanesser J. (2020). Symmetry in Mathematics and Music brought into class. Mathematics in School 49 (5), 21-24.
  • Krijtenburg-Lewerissa, K., Andreotti, E., Antilla, D., Bondani, M., Chiofalo, M., de Cock, M., … & Bitzenbauer, P. (2022). Community-based development of the Quantum Concept Inventory: in: Contributions from Pilot Projects in Quantum Technology Education as Support Action to Quantum Flagship. In GIREP Conference 2022.
  • Ardui, J., Cornelissen, G., Decuypere, M., De Meyere, J., Frans, R., Geerinck, I., … & Verellen, M. (2012). De liefde voor het vak: op zoek naar een pedagogiek van meesterschap. Impuls voor Onderwijsbegeleiding42(4), 178-187.

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